who we are

Service is Mankind is Service to God”-is what people of Gujarat & specifically of Saurashtra believe in helping the poor and needy is on inbuilt attribute which flows in the blood of Saurashtrations.

Years ago people from Saurashtra migrated to Surat for business purpose and made remarkable progress in their respective fields of work. A combination of their inbuilt philanthropic attribute and their economic progress led them to think about ways and areas which require special attention & help so that the masses can be benefitted. They observed that there were difficulties in obtaining Blood (“THE FLUID OF LIFE”) in times of crisis. Lack of availability of blood endangered many lives. Hence came the thought of establishing a blood bank. With the vision & efforts of people like Dr.Jivrajbhai Dankhara, Mr.Bharatbhai Gajera, Mr Maheshbhai Savani, Mr.Haribhai Kathiriya, Mr.Rasikbhai Sanepara, Dr.Prakashbhai Bhatt, Mr.Rameshbhai Bhadani, Dr.Dineshbhai Gosai, Dr.Himmatbhai Savani & others. The thought become action and thus was established World record holder Blood bank of Surat “Lok Samarpan Raktadan Kendra” on 29/11/1995. The founder president, Dr. Jivrajbhai Dankhara effectively managed the institute’s development.

Due to increased work Load in business Dr. Jivrajbhai Dhakhara retired from the president ship of LSRK in 1999 & Mr. Haribhai kathiriya took over the charge of the institute. Mr. Haribhai with his expertise and support of friends,mobilised huge funds and managed to upgrade the institute to the present level with the latest facilities.

1) The institute has a separate department for AIDS awareness.
2) Providing food, medicines etc during times of natural calamities like floods, epidemics, earthquakes etc.

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Vision & Mission

Vision-Lok Samarpan Raktadan Kendra
Bringing Dignity to Life

A Centre of Excellence in Blood Banking, Committed to Safe and High Quality Blood for Thalassemia, Sickle Cell, Hemophilia and Ahwa-Dang Patients, free of cost , thereby enabling them an opportunity for a normal and holistic life, while canvassing Blood Donation, as only Voluntary, and, at all times, guided by principles of Compassion, Care and uncompromising adherence to Integrity.

Mission-Lok Samarpan Raktadan Kendra
Being one of the preeminent and specialized Blood Centres

1. To provide the high quality and safe blood and related blood products.
2. To make blood donation 100% voluntary without any replacement donor by building individual or institutional alliances.
3. To create awareness about Thalassemia so that the incidence decreases over time.
4. To motivate and train the next generation youth leaders to ensure sustainability of the mission of Voluntary Blood Donation.
5. To develop Advance Immuno-Hematology Referral Center.

Facilities We Provide

Locate Donors
Locate Donors

Locate Blood Donors through, Motivation, Education about Benefiits of Blood Donation to self & others and Remove their Myths of misconception.

Emergency Service
Emergency Service

The Institute is capable of managing Blood Units in case of Emergencies like War & Natural calamities.

Free Blood Unit
Free Blood Unit

Free blood units for patients with Hemoglobinopathies like Thalassemia, Sickle cell disease and Hemophilia,People from tribal interior regions like Ahwa-Dang are given Free Blood Units.

Why choose us?

20 minutes of your Time & 350/450 cc of your Blood may make the difference between Life and Death.


Meet Our Team

Dr Jivrajbhai Dankhra
Founder President
Haribhai Kathiriya
Maheshbhai Savani
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